
Carmen, San Diago

Well, in the beginning, i was all confused and shit. But, as time went on, i learned to understand what those tall people around me were saying, and even adopted they're language. Eventually, i even learned to write this language, as you can see by reading it. Then i turned 6. Along with my, as some would call it, coming-of-age celebration for that year, i received my first toy gun, which i promptly broke. After the was, i stayed secluded in a deep depression that seemed endless, until mu luck turned and i acquired a bankrupt retirement home, and with a few minor alterations, he Krusty Krab was born.

about 14 years
oh that was lovely. you better still love me.
about 14 years
Didn't play well as maf. -K
deletedabout 14 years
Win one more game first, you're 3 points away from 1000 696969696969.
deletedabout 14 years
+K PLEASE RETURN when u can that is :) ! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
deletedabout 14 years
+k for being part of the best maf win of my life
about 14 years
+K for a fun game
about 14 years
Im talkin to myself for the lulz.