
married to 
part of  family







anonymousover 11 years
meepsie we need to play together .... get on my level!
over 11 years
anonymousover 11 years
you are cute. am i allowed to like you?
:3!! okay!
anonymousover 11 years
do you even meow?
just ask my husb!
anonymousover 11 years
did you draw your own avi?
newp :[


1 / 15Psycho-analyst!
almost 13 years
almost 13 years
Plussed for the good rage. :3 Keep up the good work.
almost 13 years
It is all good. I like piece's statement, should be fine.
almost 13 years
I sent you a statement...
deletedalmost 13 years
I was gonna return the +k but I noticed I already have you +k'd...thanks for a good game, though I'll remember to not play so cautiously/conservatively next time.
deletedalmost 13 years
is it any of your business that i find him hilarious? don't think so. also my whole family's on my side you idiot. >desperately trying to make fun of me and my fam. you are a fool
deletedalmost 13 years
Lol u mad bro? You had 3 opportunities to lynch me, You didn't take them. You just mad cuz you gave up the opportunity to win, so instead of realizing that YOU decided to NL, you blame somebody else. Typical flaming noob activity going on, nothing to see here.
deletedalmost 13 years
Yeah sorry we stoped letting whiny bitches in after our last one left. I believe his name was atikur. How about you take some of ur own advice and stop keeping tabs on my fam?
deletedalmost 13 years
what's with all the damn atikur hate?
deletedalmost 13 years
atikur, juxtaposing you and edge in terms of intelligence, maturity, and cordiality - it shows why you are no longer welcome in the fam, and why edge is a REAL MAN. lols grow up thanks.
deletedalmost 13 years
Also, who cares who's in the family. I respect some of the people there and like playing with the others. I liked playing with you before, but now you've just turned into innovateur82. You're caring so much about a family full of players. What are you going to do later, show off to everyone else about pro you guys are? Nobody cares. If Bubbles wants to keep Ichizon, so be it. I dont care. If she gets rid of Ichizon, I will not protest either. The comment you posted on Ichizon's page is shit, "privilege of being your family". Its not as if you're some god at this game. You keep on saying I"m shit, but you're not that good either. Grow some brains and stop being an asshole to the people that supported you before. I was one of those people. IF you keep on taking this shit attitude, don't talk to me again.
deletedalmost 13 years
I did nothing to make you leave. You left because you hated Ichi. Go take your anger out on Ichi, not on us other people.
deletedalmost 13 years
Hey, invite people, if you want. Stop fucking discouraging people to our family, you prick. Its not like having a family full of pros means jackshit. Asshole.
almost 13 years
You can invite me bro...
deletedalmost 13 years
then he and i will address that. you no longer have any business with my family so i would appreciate it if you stopped posting garbage on the wall. thanks.
deletedalmost 13 years
what dle said. i also knew all of nbt's old fam before you turned into the massive fag you are now. atikur you don't fucking realize that 1 you are a douche and 2 i've been around longer than you have, do you?
almost 13 years
when did you turn into a faggot?
almost 13 years
hey atikur can i join your fam now

i'm br0s with p much everyone
almost 13 years
hook it up
deletedalmost 13 years
I love your family's picture. That is my FB profile pic. <<<<3333