
i am banksy
in love with someone gone
part of  family





deletedover 11 years
U r bad mod why?
idk, I think there's a youtube video somewhere explaining why - oh wait, HAHAHA
over 11 years
Oh noes, what has happened to your avi? :O
It died.
over 11 years
whats your fave song on theatre is evil ? mine is want it back as of now
Probably Melody Dean or The Killing Type at the moment. Great album
deletedover 11 years
Did you know that Christmas was over?
Haha, you're lobby-banned.
deletedover 11 years
What is your favourite album of all time? (or 5)
The Photo Album - Death Cab for Cutie Whatever and Ever Amen - Ben Folds Five The Question - Emery Cities - Anberlin The Devil and God Are Raging Inside of Me - Brand New Currently hold the most significance to me.


7 / 25It was Him!
6 / 20He's Batman
5 / 10I'm Towntelling!
3 / 30Not On My Watch!
3 / 10Governator!
about 13 years
u must be mad you couldn't get me banned :(
about 13 years
-k for being a complete hypocrite in your arguments
deletedabout 13 years
+K'd for being a respectful, civil, and skilled player
about 13 years
Will you.... Marry me?
about 13 years
+k'd you again, because I'm awsome!
about 13 years
+K'd you back for good logic.
about 13 years
oh, i forgot to add the /sarcasm part. my b
about 13 years
Negged for ignoring common logic.
deletedabout 13 years
yo im gonna -k you just cuz u voted early/got blitzed on/ didnt get a good read.....and i was actually trying hard, while konrad was just chilling...nothin personal this might be a rage neg that ill remove after thinkin about the game
about 13 years
+k because i claim projectmatt!
about 13 years
about 13 years
about 13 years
+k for lynching me as fool. Uguu~
about 13 years
There are fool setups in training lobby! You should come play. I'm currently in a game thoughhh
about 13 years
heh updated clouds +k on you :3
deletedover 13 years
Hello! You are receiving this notice because you expressed interest in a gigantic game of survivor, but I have not received a confirmation email from you! I need you to send me an email with the days and times you would be most available to play, as well as the time zone you are currently living in. For my email address and more information, please refer to the forum post:
deletedover 13 years
Sorry I completely mentally passed the fact that doc was dead. God. Sorry for that screw up. Just happy we still managed to win.
over 13 years
We are cool :D
deletedover 13 years
I would +K you again for catching the maf (without them knowing they could've forced a NL and jointed with the fool). Good thing I saved you N1. :D