

-Loud teabagging noises over the cop's corpse-


about 6 years
Why do you hate people of colour?
Oof nice bait but last time I played along I got a HC vio an a ton of people wanting me banned. So
anonymousabout 6 years
Why did you come back? We had a peaceful month or so without you.
2 months. And blame the mods, because I didn't even have to come back if not for them. Try asking your questions off anon by the way. Nobody likes someone who needs to hide behind anon.
anonymousabout 6 years
Why are you so cool?
Because I hang with sexy demon girls!


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 15Walker Texas Ranger
about 6 years
Add me scum
about 6 years
Karma is a peach
about 6 years
Your First Karma uwu
over 6 years
welcome back.