
in love with 
part of  family

I'm terribad, don't even bother :)



20 / 20He's Batman
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
15 / 15New Sheriff in Town
10 / 10Scumhunter
9 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
almost 6 years
Please kindly stop joining my games.
almost 6 years
A joke of a player and a joke of a moderator. It's a pity he takes his personal views of players when giving out violations. I would kindly ask you to stay out of my games in future.
deletedalmost 6 years
don't manipulate me please, everyone knows i have a soft spot for cute lads
almost 6 years
hey beautiful hope ur volleyball team is doin well xoxo
about 6 years
thanks man, everytime I was close and close but couldn't do it. Now I have pulled it off which is a relieve since people cant call me bad anymore :doge:. hope ur doing good and we run together sometime in the future.
about 6 years
Cutiedellll ❤️
about 6 years
Thank you! Happy new year!
over 6 years
A truth to the hope of newer players being able to play well amidst all the belief against. I knew you'd win a trophy from the first game I played with you, and I told you it then as well. Well deserved, and plenty more to come, no doubt--should you choose to hang around lol. Congratulations!
deletedover 6 years
congrats on gold you deserve it!!!
over 6 years
congrats on gold!! great round n well played :)
over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
Congrats , about time son , well played
over 6 years
wew gratz lad
over 6 years
It has good round to be part of and u done extremely good. Hope to see u around and next time carry me to a trophy :).
over 6 years
congrats on gold cita <3 very well earned love ya homie, pleasure to run with and against you this round
over 6 years
looks like we're running against eachother this round :] best of luck my friend <3
over 6 years
thank you fam you’ll get it next time i’ll be rooting for ya
deletedover 6 years
its ok u trophied in my heart :D
deletedover 6 years
thanks bud, i wish you were up on that podium with me ♥, but i'm still proud of you
over 6 years
You did your damage already, ain't no coming back from that, haha. Jokes aside, fingers crossed for a clutch final day!