

Old bio is shit bio. Cleared.

over 14 years
that's the last time i suicide to save your hearts you cunt
over 14 years
[email protected]

send email here
<3 :D
over 14 years
Wait you -ked me after the game went unranked,,,,
over 14 years
deletedover 14 years
I would like to say that it wasn't my fault. I did not want to play with runban, and I clicked I was sure 8 seconds before game started.
over 14 years
+K forr GG as bp.
close town win.
sorry for gun screwup.
over 14 years
lol thanks
over 14 years
I am sorry that you were killed :( My condolences
deletedover 14 years
I suppose you know now though, but when you probably played with me (Last day and a half) you were actually playing with Kennedy, I couldnt get to the internet then without suiciding.
over 14 years
+k pls return
deletedover 14 years
I'm ran4sh.
over 14 years
it was a funny strategy eh
deletedover 14 years
Please, they're too scared too fuck with me.
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
+k returned with a friend request! (you're gonna want that too) :-)
over 14 years
Yeah, I've been scumslipping a lot as of late >.>
over 14 years
Sorry bro, that was honestly a townfail, but my partner was so scummy as well, so it balanced out.
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
He would tell us(out loud) to vote the random guy and make us known as mafia . Game was ruined for both of us. Dont blame me for it.
over 14 years
wtf u expect me to do. i would have went on playing and it wasnt auto win for maf or village.
So if i let u guys wins wtf its possible maf could have won w/o the other maf guy that got the girl to vote some random village. What was i supposed to do..? game was ruined for me and you. any one of us could have won. Dont blame me for wanting my points. Maf could have won if he didnt do that. So in the end i had nothing to do with it. If u still think i had a "conspiracy to commit game throwing" wtf was the right thing to do. please tell me what i should have done. Should i have let you won even though maf had a chance of winning? No. Not my fault the game was fucked up. Blame the guy that fucked it up