
almost 14 years
He is a hamster but I am happy :D
deletedalmost 14 years
+K'ed for being you :) Please return!
deletedalmost 14 years
+k. plz return! Merry Christmas!
almost 14 years
Plus K cuz you played well
almost 14 years
PHEW! we learnt something new from that game! i never knew that doc doesn't save bg save!

u pulled through in the end +K
almost 14 years
Yeah, I feel really bad for Neff but I think he understands. God knows it's happened to me before x_x
deletedalmost 14 years
No clue. Don't know, don't care.
deletedalmost 14 years
Lol you actually believe that crap? xD
deletedalmost 14 years
puuuuunt. I clicked leave table just as you joined...and when I came back, you were gone :<
almost 14 years
Nice shot.
almost 14 years
I see you in that game there, I will hunt you down.
deletedalmost 14 years
You asked me to remind you when I could be +K'd - and it appears that I now can.
deletedalmost 14 years
Haha thanks. That's interesting....didn't know the masons thing worked w/o a majority vote.
almost 14 years
you must have done something wrong
almost 14 years
+3k because i had you negged for some reason? good play anyway :P
almost 14 years
Thank you! Still recovering from a mean neg bomb :(
almost 14 years
Your a faggot. You fail so hard. And your butt hurt over losing an UNRANKED game.
Just go die. =D
deletedalmost 14 years
+k for good lylo and because I'm happy we solved it :D
almost 14 years
somehow I didn't have you +k'd. Fixed that error :D
almost 14 years
i will stop tabbing out so i will not be easy to guise as lol