

I'm 22, and live outside of Boston, MA. Guise tests are: -Who's my alt? -What was my first cardiac arrest save? -What is an EJ?

I'm an EMT-I, and in school for Biology, to eventually become a Physician's Assistant. I'd like to provide free medical care to urban homeless when I finally become a PA.

I had 100+ karma in December/January. When the BW against wendys happened, I was put on a "hit list" and was negged about 50 times because I wouldn't sign the petition to have him banned. I have integrity. I didn't claim to neg him or sign the petition for free karma. And I didn't harass anyone when I was negged. I'm just here to have fun and play. I don't need threats or arguments about enabling him to cheat by being friends with him. Please take this as a big screw you to all of you who are here just to start drama. Thanks.

My fun win as Framer. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/756552

My unranked (sigh) win as Driver. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/753091 Claimed gallis, town still fos' me, but gives me hammer to pop real gallis on 5 way lylo.

deletedover 14 years
hmm +k ur an ok actor, and u didnt rush into the lynch
over 14 years
+K :))
deletedover 14 years
Why yes, I do believe I am.
over 14 years
+k for good masons!
over 14 years
+k for friends list :]
over 14 years
+k for being nice.
over 14 years
I see what you did there o_O
deletedover 14 years
Awesome game we had there, fellow jailer http://www.epicmafia.com/game/622761