

I'm 22, and live outside of Boston, MA. Guise tests are: -Who's my alt? -What was my first cardiac arrest save? -What is an EJ?

I'm an EMT-I, and in school for Biology, to eventually become a Physician's Assistant. I'd like to provide free medical care to urban homeless when I finally become a PA.

I had 100+ karma in December/January. When the BW against wendys happened, I was put on a "hit list" and was negged about 50 times because I wouldn't sign the petition to have him banned. I have integrity. I didn't claim to neg him or sign the petition for free karma. And I didn't harass anyone when I was negged. I'm just here to have fun and play. I don't need threats or arguments about enabling him to cheat by being friends with him. Please take this as a big screw you to all of you who are here just to start drama. Thanks.

My fun win as Framer. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/756552

My unranked (sigh) win as Driver. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/753091 Claimed gallis, town still fos' me, but gives me hammer to pop real gallis on 5 way lylo.

about 14 years
+2k for knowing both mafia but getting ripped off by the server!
about 14 years
mafia was IAM and anon.

I'm marshallmathers btw thats my alt.

did you like my guise codes to you :P
about 14 years
It was anon and iam.
We so had that.
deletedabout 14 years
ahhh i see!
deletedabout 14 years
If you go to someone's profile, on the right lists their recent games that you can view :)
about 14 years
+K for that game even though it was a easy win in the end.
about 14 years
My family. You're joining it.
about 14 years
It's all good, I can see how you would think Atikur's claim was scummy if you hadn't played with him before.
over 14 years
over 14 years
Honestly though, that was more your fail than my win.
deletedover 14 years
We're going to this place in amesbury.
over 14 years
I dont gots the messaging :(
deletedover 14 years
Great game, sorry I fricked it up on the last day. +k for you.
deletedover 14 years
I can't wait! Theres only one I know if and its only because its by my house in Weymouth, but its not great. Going tubing on Wednesday though so I'm excited for that.
over 14 years
can we be frieinds? mesgage me on my acct lol
over 14 years
+K cuz you really didn't lie to me :) TY so much.
over 14 years
+k for last game
over 14 years
+K for you too. You're really good too especially as maf, but Ive caught on =D
over 14 years
+k and cookies for u my love <3
over 14 years
You know, you can still scumhunt in the 5 man setup. Maybe you should try it.