My name is Bill Compton. I am 174 years old, although strangely enough I can only make my age on this website up to 101 years old.
That could only mean one thing. Yes, I am vampire. I was born in 1835 in Bon Temps, Louisiana.
In 1860, I went to serve in the Civil War as 1st Lieutenant in the 28th Louisiana Infantry. After the War, I was taking a shortcut home. Weak, tired and hungry, I found a cabin in which a widow was living there. She gave me food and water. Little did I know that she was vampire.
148 years later, I am back in my hometown. I met this fine lady named Sookie Stackhouse who saved me from drainers. In return, I saved her the following night from the drainers who were out to get revenge on her. We have developed a relationship since then, although at the moment our relationship is a bit unsteady...
I may be vampire, but that does not mean I'm going to go out there and kill and drink the blood of every human I see. I believe that all humans and vampires should live in peace and harmony. I am a believer of Vampire Rights Amendment.
If you see me in the same table with you in game, do not be scared to talk to me. After all, I won't bite ;)