

Even Stevens Eagle Eye Disturbia Transformers Transformers 2 Wall Street Indiana Jones

Sick read!:

Got all three mafs by myself as Oracle:

Please be sure to message me whenever you give +K/-K.

deletedover 14 years
I didn't neg you? But someone from that game negged me. I assumed it was you. And thank ya
over 14 years
lol. I was -k'd for sick reads as oracle. =P
deletedover 14 years
If you're gonna neg someone, tell them to their face.
deletedover 14 years
Just hit 2,000 on this account. +2K for being on my friends list, return only If you can and only if i deserve it!
deletedover 14 years
Thanks dude, gg to you too.
deletedover 14 years
2 karma... I feel undeserving :(
but thanks anyway <3
over 14 years
For sure man, hope to see you in some other games. I'll be sure to +K back at ya for good attitude in-game and guessing where I live correctly, haha.
over 14 years
+k for our win :)
over 14 years
+k +k
deletedover 14 years
+k to you also. Hope to see ya in some more ranked
deletedover 14 years
Flawless victory!
deletedover 14 years
Thanks man. Good to see you're an alert player :)
over 14 years
over 14 years
+k for an awesome game as maf before the server crash!
deletedover 14 years
Im just glad we still won after being trolled
over 14 years
I didn't even make you seem clear, I just said you weren't lawyer. He just blindly trusted you
over 14 years
+K please return. Signed: Michael Douglas.
over 14 years
almost! but not quite! oh well at least you guys didn't figure out it was me :) hehehhe
deletedover 14 years i am god of the random lynch... fear me, i though i'd spelled out to the cop i was a magic villager man...
over 14 years
Like I said, good with towntells. Saw you as town, although it took me a while to realize "if he's town, everyone else is mafia!" Oops >.<