

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent scelerisque purus eget dui consectetur eu tincidunt mi rhoncus. Mauris sagittis, nisl in lacinia facilisis, nibh enim vehicula velit, sit amet faucibus quam tortor a quam. Sed tincidunt, sapien at aliquet tempor, nisi libero semper nisi, ut convallis dolor metus volutpat dolor. Mauris iaculis posuere blandit. Duis justo massa, imperdiet a volutpat ac, sodales eget ligula. Aenean velit lacus, congue tempus viverra non, sagittis vel mauris. Nunc interdum, sem id bibendum vehicula, arcu tortor facilisis tortor, ut imperdiet odio velit rhoncus mauris. Morbi in sollicitudin enim. Aliquam non massa tellus, in porta nibh. Praesent odio augue, dignissim a commodo ut, accumsan et lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce felis mauris, auctor quis lobortis eu, pellentesque a nisi. Ut sodales commodo faucibus. Cras id nibh mauris, sed convallis augue. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur facilisis elit in neque vehicula non condimentum sapien feugiat. Cras fringilla dolor vehicula libero congue sed tristique erat rhoncus. Fusce vitae arcu urna, eget dapibus urna. Aenean pretium semper urna, sit amet volutpat dui mollis sit amet. Donec id justo lacus, sit amet laoreet metus.

Those that karma binds me to, and for being generally bad ass dudes: Lorlele tirgo nichaey Ramanag Wojjie Rrrrr

Friends (11)


1 / 10Gotcha!
1 / 10Scumhunter
about 13 years
returned dat +k
over 13 years
I like this guy, he's a good man. +K
deletedalmost 14 years
almost 14 years
thanks pal! +k :D
almost 14 years
Dem reaction tests. +k
almost 14 years
+k for you because i felt like it.
deletedalmost 14 years
+k Frosty! Please Return!
about 14 years
i saw your lobby comment saying i'm convincing :3 thank you. i also noticed you called me a he. /is a girl/ x3
about 14 years
Was that a mafia softclaim?
about 14 years
Thanks! I'll let you know, ok?
about 14 years
LOLOL that wasn't meant for guising! that was just interesting information. -_-; don't ask me what i am LOLOL ask me what my name means.
about 14 years
Blue people!
about 14 years
thanks buddy, right back at cha
about 14 years
I miss you!
about 14 years
63 %, you should be on the board o: !
about 14 years
Lovely! I would neg you for that too! I hate when people do that, makes the game horribly wrong.
about 14 years
+k by the way.
deletedabout 14 years
did u -k me??
about 14 years
+k for listening to Billy Joel in the gy.
about 14 years
You and your random songs <3