
New York / Ohio


almost 13 years
Check your inbox.
about 13 years
about 13 years
Goodnight, rokk. :)
deletedabout 13 years
Thanks for carrying my dead weight ass that game. +k'd.
about 13 years
Yes way. W215. Come see me sometime. Ask for Mickey.
about 13 years
I live in building W. :3
about 13 years
Do you happen to live at Oakwood?
about 13 years
nice work rokk! Sorry I didn't push on comedian and nice work getting him lynched :-)
deletedabout 13 years
Just end it, I'm not making a big deal anymore. I'm over it.
about 13 years
+K'd to 64 for being a great doc !
deletedover 13 years
p.s. join my fam? :)
deletedover 13 years
Honestly, that last game, I will take the heat for it. I really failed to convince you otherwise. But, you should have seen BB the way he was acting was similar to when a cat catches a mouse.
deletedover 13 years
ugu friend me my lesbian lover
over 13 years
giving you a verbal warning - please be more careful in the future.
almost 14 years
Hopefully he redeems himself from that crap movie inglorious bastards. I had someone complain to me about the violence and I was like "COME ON IT IS ELI ROTH". I think Defiance was a much better take and he should have stared in that movie.
about 14 years
I'll look for you then! <3
about 14 years
I'm doing ok. Want to play a game? Meet me in the training lobby. I'll make games until you make it into one.
about 14 years
Long time no see, how are ya?
about 14 years
Yeah - I guess they changed how it worked while I have been away. PS - I gave you a +K last night. <3