
May all kings bow down to him and all nations serve him.
in love with 
part of  family

Current and Previous Achievements

  1. All Time Trophy HOF
  2. Trophy HOF
  3. Godfather Honor Role




over 9 years
Whats your favorite animu/mango that isn't One Piece?
Fist of the North Star, I need to read Jojo someday
anonymousover 9 years
holy shit you are alive
anonymousover 10 years
get that op avi back
one day
about 11 years
whats up with the anon hate
i guess im easy to hate
anonymousover 11 years
show me the way to Uranus


2 / 20Clint Eastwood
2 / 25Eye of the Beholder
2 / 25Explosion!
2 / 25Objection!
1 / 10Death Row

Created Setups

deletedalmost 14 years
fucking with me = joking. its all good bro p.s. join my fam when i make it plz
deletedalmost 14 years
you're either stupid or fucking with me. i recommend you stop doing both
deletedalmost 14 years
>to spite me. i said MULTIPLE TIMES that i was going to comp the FIRST version i.e. THE VERSION HE COMPED. i dont mind that i lost now since he comped that
deletedalmost 14 years
i was thinking about calling it "unreadable"
deletedalmost 14 years
SGRaaize 16 seconds
I'l forever be a faggot ;___;
deletedalmost 14 years
what would SGR say if i said i was thinking about making a family
deletedalmost 14 years
>we arent friends. wat
almost 14 years
+k too, for beating me fair and square on 3-way lylo last night. And yeah, Jumpy's not fantastic.
deletedalmost 14 years
I've been playing on mafiascum though, I saw you have an account there
deletedalmost 14 years
Yeah, I haven't been as active because I got sick of the silver lobby userbase mostly, and I was finishing up school. I join games when I have the time and see people I don't despise playing. I keep losing on my alt though so I am bitter
deletedalmost 14 years
I didn't say you were obvious. I think you're an exceptional player SGR. If you want me to be straight-forward, I think you are one of the best players currently on this site. If people had balls on this site, you should be the policy lynch whenever town has an ml as your mafia and scum game are highly persuasive to most people. Mafia though should be a game about questioning the intentions of other people. And a weak town, such as the one we played with, didn't do that at all. They questioned themselves rather than questioned you and gave responsibility of decision making to a non-clear. So yes SGR. You are a good player. You are a good player who just dominated over a shitty town.
deletedalmost 14 years
almost 14 years
Please remove "I am a good leader" from your profile to more accurately represent yourself as a player. I'm disappointed you'd be someone to vote me just because your PR bud (who is a moron and has -26 karma because he sucks) said to despite you thinking I was town.
almost 14 years
You had me -kd?
almost 14 years
Haha thx, +Ked back ^^
almost 14 years
Liked how you played, plussed.
almost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
I do that all the time, don't take anything seriously from it.
deletedalmost 14 years
That was just rage from me being mled as town.
deletedalmost 14 years
Thats cool, at least youre telling me that you negged me, but I knew that speed was town, so getting rid of the harder to read and then lynching implosion would have been the best move. Up to you to not see that or not.