

Ah, yes! My account was created on a Tuesday or Wednesday, just like today. Maybe it was Thursday. No, I guess it was a Monday. Maybe Tuesday or Wednesday... Even though I say it was on a Wednesday, there's a chance it was a Friday... It'd be better if it was a Tuesday, but it could've been a Wednesday... Though I could say it was on Thursday, maybe it was a Tuesday... But if it was a Monday, it could have been a Friday...

Suspended from games on 2/13 because LOL MODS.

As of 2/16/2011, I have managed to work and win my way out of all of the karmabombs I have received since my noob weeks. This may be my greatest achievement in EM yet.

Friends (2)


2 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 10Scumhunter
1 / 10Governator!

Created Setups

over 13 years
Sorry that I didn't fight your lynch harder, broski. +k, and see you around.
over 13 years
I don't really give a shit about playing when I get dealt guiser. It's the worst role in EM. Deal with it.
deletedover 13 years
>outs self as guiser. >don't even bother to guise when you had to. bad maf partner in general. made the game not fun for me.
over 13 years
+K for well played game
deletedalmost 14 years
neg'd for tunneling me all game for meta reasoning and admitting to never getting a read on the other person. Shit you're awful.
almost 14 years
+k for actually knowing how the driver works and helping village
almost 14 years
Random +K
almost 14 years
+k! nice logical reasoning
about 14 years
+k for being good in fail town
deletedabout 14 years
thanks a ton for pulling that win out of your ass after my terrible play
about 14 years
Concerning the below comment: please see and watch how this guy retracts his bomb claim as the real bomb.
about 14 years
-K for locking votes, being a general idiot, and not trusting a real bomb when the fake bomb was actively asking for claims.
about 14 years
+k for the nice game
about 14 years
+k for a great game. good win.
about 14 years
Hello. I heard you love me.
deletedabout 14 years
+karma, don't know why you're negative. You are a solid player who doesn't like the claim/retracting bullshit that is new since I came back. Never used to happen as much as it does now and I never understood it. Blues just do it to feel special, I guess.
deletedabout 14 years
I didn't realize this was grammar class.
about 14 years
Plus Kay, feel better about the win man. :D
deletedabout 14 years
yeahhh bro. im really an idiot because the town thought I was mafia for shitty reasons. I didn't realize not voting was a scumtell??? oh shit it isnt. shut your mouth, and understand that being in the grave is one thing but playing it is another. but by the look of your win percents, you'll never realize that.