I really love Edark. Like, a lot. Like, a whole lot. You have no idea. I love him so much that it is inexplicable, and I'm ninety-nine percent sure that I have an unhealthy obsession. I will never get tired of listening that sweet, angelic voice of him. It is my life goal to meet up with him in real life and just say hello to him. I wish for nothing but his happiness. If it were for him, i would give my life without any second thoughts. Without him, my life would serve no purpose. I really love Edark.
deletedover 8 years
you're a bro :>
deletedover 8 years
i love you more than spongebob loves this rubber band
So I was in a game with a person who said you were the most hated player. Not sure if they hate you, but, being a niger myself, I'm gonna give you +K for sticking it to the racists on here :)
Now comp jan so everyone can have cancer