You're my mentor now, APPARENTLY. This changes our dynamic for games, no longer do I need blind friendship and kind words to fuel my mafia play. I wanna re-enact the scene on Bug's LIfe where you're the big beetle and i'm the ant man and you're trying to leave because you just found out that there's big grasshopper dudes and you're a bit scared but I stop you by laying my face under your big foot and I bet for you to squash me. In the movie they don't squash the ant man and instead they help him but that won't help me. You can feed me fish or you can teach me how to fish. I want to be squashed. I want my face to be spread across the cold hard ground and when you lift that foot you'll see a mass so horrendous you wouldn't write it in a copy-pasta. I want to be broken in face and mind and then rebuilt into a proper mafia player, one that can spot the B.S. no matter the circumstances. I wanna be able to win games just by joining the pre-game. I also DO want fries with that.