
part of  family

ScottVivor Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YHS3yofNVg_9FeKSaW7AkaxgLVZni3H-hVqn91y_Fkc/pubhtml

Also, all ScottVivor's are part of the greater Goldvivor universe, so if you want stats and results for those, see this doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16NiOsO-abd6lWhkpa_MIQzkwXLL8vI5ebWbT1KISfbA/edit?usp=sharing

Let's not talking about my playing record, though, okay? (With the exception of EMBB, you're allowed to talk about that)



over 7 years
my best move in EM was being in an EM relationship with u :)
Oh my goodness...I'm blushing
over 7 years
over 7 years
Who is your least favorite morning player in EM and why is it me? :^)
Your taste in TV shows suck
anonymousover 7 years
Why are you the best Scott?
The original Scott made too many enemies. I became the best one by default
over 7 years
Are we human? Or are we dancers?
My sign is vital. My hands are cold.


9 / 20Clint Eastwood
5 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 10Death Row
over 5 years
Almost a year later - watched that episode! She took it quite well, actually.
over 6 years
It might be more appropriate Scott, but I haven't watched that season yet! >:(
over 6 years
I host 'troll games' such as suicide race speedvivor and speedbb and the circle on eat and serious games on eatemuptigs
over 6 years
ready to tear things up in shreds!
over 6 years
rip scott mccall
deletedover 6 years
I host 'troll games' such as suicide race speedvivor and speedbb and the circle on eat and serious games on eatemuptigs
over 6 years
Love the new avi!!
deletedover 6 years
what the is this new profile
over 6 years
Happy birthday sir
over 6 years
over 6 years
btw bryce likes the song bodak yellow
over 6 years

have a great day!!!!
over 6 years

Happy Birthday!!!
deletedover 6 years
Otherscott 10h 12m +1
Don't you think the JT avatar has run its course?

says the guy that's had a Teen Wolf aesthetic for at least 6 months
over 6 years
over 6 years
almost 7 years
+k for being Eva
almost 7 years
Good Survivor strategy is to always keep your options open.
almost 7 years
"(Not asking to join, just in case my family caves or something)"

foreshadowing??? :p
almost 7 years
A +k for you good sir