
i might've whored dia out to a seventy year old buddhist priest... so what?
in love with someone gone
part of  family

please don't bully me i've just been diagnosed with weeb (it's terminal)



anonymousalmost 8 years
j'ai attendu toute ma vie pour vous trouver. vous êtes ce que je souhaite le plus.
you're gonna have to wait a million live times before i even consider giving u a chance with me bub
anonymousalmost 8 years
aimeriez-vous pouvoir avoir des relations sexuelles pour de l'argent sur PayPal?
didn't know souris was back in town
anonymousalmost 8 years
bee movie
according to all known laws of aviation...
almost 8 years
nikki bro.....i like u
wow.... i'm yours
anonymousalmost 8 years
nikki bro.....i like u


1 / 15Knight Devout
over 5 years
who are you calling a thot, lol?
over 5 years
i'm gonna have to deny that offer...
over 5 years
im on left, school is on right.

over 5 years
looking for a new em lover now. know anyone?
over 5 years
you're the only b*tch in this town i ever respected
over 5 years
over 5 years
okay i get it you want to be toxic on the internet have fun with that while i'm doing my best me
over 5 years
"that girl you just called a *****? that's actually a kiwi" fantastic XD
over 5 years
what is ur icon from...... so cute
over 5 years
are you trying to threaten me bud
over 5 years
All my posts are good?
over 5 years
yup that tasted purple lol
over 5 years
ironic username lol
almost 6 years
ya heard me pal
about 6 years
shut up
deletedabout 6 years
dia is an idiot.. u can do better .. i ship u w/ blister
about 6 years
كيف حالك يا نيكي
about 6 years
that means my advice was so good it transcended the time continuum. nice. go me.
deletedabout 6 years
hey babe
about 6 years
maybe eat less rice