

The game

Alright. I'll update this with some stuff about my playstyle and such. First, I normally make psychology related foses. I mainly base my foses on the timing of your speech, on the way you phrase your comments and such. Also, I might think that you are 100% clear even if you are not for everyone else. And I'm usually right. I won't take back this assumptions unless I myself change my mind. Do NOT fos me for doing that, or you will end up fosing me every game by some really stupid reasons. And you will feel dumb afterwards.

I'm not a persuasive player. I can fos with great accuracy, but I fail at convincing other people that I'm right, as my foses are usually based on things that only I can see.

Also, I HATE games where a lot of people type their fingers out. I truly do. I won't talk on those games unless I'm being fosed or I need to claim. I mean it, I will be too annoyed to talk if not needed.

I AM protown. Always. Don't be a bitch for that.

I NEVER use the "Lol guys brb" tactic while being maf. It's retarded. If I say I'll be afk, then I WILL be afk.

I will NEVER bandwagon if I don't agree with the lynch. And if I do, I'll state that I disagree with the lynch. So it will happen a lot that I'll be hammering (or close to) on a bandwagon.

I always push a cop claim on d1 in Janitorial 2.0. It's safer. I'm not fucking trying to out the cop.

As a guise test, I always speak with capital letters and dots at the end of sentences. And of course, I speak a PERFECT spanish. You can try that for outing a guiser. Or ask me about my avatar, no one will be able to figure that out.

I have no alts yet.

about 14 years
pretty good! Here is something.
about 14 years
k 4 u please return!
about 14 years
you were at +1 so I fixed it to 7 :O
about 14 years
You were at -1k so I fixed that for you.