anonymousover 6 years
Hey, congrats on completely ghosting muffinz and then acting like it's her fault! Seems reasonsble to do
Why are you doing this anonymously? I didn't ghost her, we just stopped talking. I never said anything was her fault, either.
anonymousover 6 years
What did you do to muffy ?? I was rootin for yall
tbh I was rooting for us too but we just didn't quite see eye to eye on somethin and it drove her away
What is the best food in the entire world (other than Muffins)?
Browniez :^) no uh I have a soft spot for tortilla soup, of all things
anonymousalmost 7 years
are you and muff a thing IRLor are you just that obnoxious for no reason
C'mon if you're gonna try and drag me don't do it anonymously
What color is YOUR shirt right now?
pink with navy and white stripes. real men wear pink