
in love with 
part of  family

ShayneErin is the best person on EM

And Raccoon is one of da funnest xD

This game is pretty much 50/50 and involves little logic and is almost completely chance. Don't bullshit yourself. The Win to Loss ratio for you guys prove it.

I'm pretty sure I'm a big deal.

I die day 1 like a prematurely born baby.

bio: I'm a white guy in college. I like girls with big boobs and asses. I'm here to have fun and that's pretty much it. But this sites pretty boring so it's gotta be really really late for me to get on.

I fuck shit up.

Oh ya, I take the cop role very seriously.

NL at day start like a champ

Why da fuck are there so many god damn people here with anime Avatars?

Aren't you here for some artificial socialization?

-Also, fuck everything that happens on Day 1 without a night. It's seriously the beginning of the fucking game with no evidence or any reasonable suspicion on anyone and you try and do junior detective bullshit wasting a MASSIVE amount of time accomplishing NOTHING. Bitches.



7 / 20Super Sleuth!
6 / 10Scumhunter
2 / 25Eye of the Beholder
2 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 10Governator!
deletedover 13 years
He cheated, but I still think he was good.
over 13 years
gurl da way you move it!!!1 i still play just rarely haha
deletedover 13 years
I can accept that. Its his play on my wall, not his personality
deletedover 13 years
Neg the proven cheater Wendys (http://www.epicmafia.com/user/41010) and help give this pedophiliac fart-sniffer exactly what he deserves!
over 13 years
btw, remember NOT to yell my name at the climax this time - ur last partner didn't take too kindly
over 13 years
hide the green boobs
over 13 years
over 13 years
cus you touch yourself at night
over 13 years
ty angel
over 13 years
Is this what it feels like to be in a gang
over 13 years
deletedover 13 years
I will pin his stubby little girl-arms back while you insult his ancestry and upbringing!!! And afterwards we shall high five and share an ice cream sundae.
deletedover 13 years
Kick his ass ace!!!!
over 13 years
no u fuckin wont
deletedover 13 years
I'll give you a baby.
deletedover 13 years
Can we fuck, then?
over 13 years
ur so pro
over 13 years
inb4 boobs
over 13 years
then again I am pretty desperate >_>
over 13 years
60% -ish