
Southeast England
part of  family

I'm leaving for good. Don't miss me too much, or something. I find the community here really petulant, asinine and pernicious, although I don't blame anybody in particular for that. Ciao.



6 / 10Scumhunter
4 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 25Eye of the Beholder
over 13 years
+k returned. I've played a few games with you and you're always great to play with =]
over 13 years
>Implying wifom is a noob thing to do.
deletedover 13 years
i was gonna neg u b/c u wifomed in ranked but apparently i got u negd already. fuck you
over 13 years
+k returned!
over 13 years
i didnt mean to trol ):
deletedover 13 years
Ahhhh. I got it.
over 13 years
xavier, i didnt -k you. In fact i have you +k'ed via my alt. I just wanted an explanation
over 13 years
Oh, +K'd for that good job, btw
over 13 years
Great job at changing my mind, I'm afraid it wasn't enough to win as Mafia, though
deletedover 13 years
yes it was a earned neg, does it matter not really :D, but thank you for being a man and telling me
over 13 years
thank you!
over 13 years
well played last game. i thought i could pull off the watcher claim, but that obviously did not work. +k
over 13 years
+k for a great game and keen tell instincts!
over 13 years
Lol, I had a hurr durr. Explained it in more depth on your profile. Neg me - I failed spactacularly. I admit it, but I wasn't trolling - I misvoted.
over 13 years
Was that some sick joke, or did you have a muscle spasm. If that was trolling, that was an A+ effort.
Can't believe i stayed THAT long after n1, just to see you force a NL and for mafia to have such a cheap win.

I thought berez did a brilliant job of explaining the kicking situation. Paiff was just spamming logic-less rebuttals.
over 13 years
dont worry man, shit happens.
over 13 years
I would return the neg karma you put on me but i dont have enough score yet. Lynching me wasnt my choice but it was highly unlikely i could persuade them not to lynch me. I figured if I was being lynched I might as well have taken out my fos, who I truly believed was maf. Thanks for being civil about negging me though, honestly. NO sarcasm whatsoever.
deletedover 13 years
I just did the math, I was wrong. I didn't take into account the night kill. Quit being so fucking mad, its a game. Quit raging at me, it was a mistake, made by the entire town because no one corrected it. I retract the neg you can keep me negged if u want I don't really care.
over 13 years
K+ for being only town who realized
over 13 years
lol yah
there was a kick already so there was no need to blitz