
Southeast England
part of  family

I'm leaving for good. Don't miss me too much, or something. I find the community here really petulant, asinine and pernicious, although I don't blame anybody in particular for that. Ciao.

deletedover 13 years
Indy1> My brain says player is mafia. I am however going to vote to teach a lesson however. Luan because he is a retard.

All the love in the world,
Your superior,

PS. Notice I was right and voted opposite what I said I knew because luan was clearly retarded and needed to learn a lesson?

PPS. Remember when I said you fucking suck?

PPPS. Xoxoxoxox

P^4S. You're fucking bad.
deletedover 13 years
Haha, I was just reading back that last game, and when I asked that guy to tell me what he knew about Brighton, I was expecting him to say something about it being full of gay people, and then I saw that you'd said it in the graveyard. I laughed.
deletedover 13 years
Btw, I lol'd @ "Also, who seriously accused Neff of cheating? I know Neff well enough to verify that it is an absolutely absurd accusation. He is certainly not Wendys too."

You never know.....Wendys is everywhere. Maybe he has invaded my account too O_O
deletedover 13 years
Oh I see.
deletedover 13 years
Lol you weren't intimidating me. Hmm btw, how is school going? Are you applying to colleges soon? :P
deletedover 13 years
Sharon, prime, incar, etc. But actually, nevermind. The person who created it is leaving and closing it down soon I think when school starts again.
over 13 years
*Note* I didn't neg all town as I said. Most town players voted correctly, after all. It was just that stupid derp who mishammered who received a neg.
over 13 years
Xav, I don't think you should -k town, man. You had an inno on haq and I guised as him as a noob townie lol. When you had me cleared, I could act like a noob all I want. I claimed watcher to mav and that's why she ended up voting for you in the end! Please don't rage! Things just came well for the mafioso!
over 13 years
As said on your profile:
Lol, that it does. But I retain what I said previously: it happens to all of us. I won't defend my gameplay because I don't need to. I tried something which didn't work, and if you seriously can't get over it, then you are not worth talking to. Don't give me the 'you're horrible' crap because win % clearly says otherwise. Again, I am not gloating but you are actign as though my one failed tactic makes me a horrible player and to be honest I find it very immature and slightly irritating.
over 13 years
I find it more interesting that I only have two accounts that can do karma. I'll even prove that I didn't neg you by negging you now. Your made a fatal mistake. Then you made the same fatal mistake. I believe the saying goes "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
deletedover 13 years
HAha, negged back
over 13 years
You are SUCH a good friend :)
deletedover 13 years
Wow that is pretty unfortunate. Well, I've been great. Second semester doesn't start till next Tuesday, so I have one more week of break to enjoy. Btw, do you have a skype? I'm in this skype group with a few great EM players, and I think you should join us :D
deletedover 13 years
Pretty well. How about you?
over 13 years
Add 'round score' to that. Or am I cheating now, too?
over 13 years
As posted on your wall: I find it interesting how I lose 3 karma just before your comment is posted. Especially when I haven't played any games for several hours. You declare me a horrible player after viewing one game. Well check out win %. I don't claim to be an expert, but I am not the only player to wifom unsuccessfully in em history. You can hate me all you like - I don't care, but don't go posting rude messages on peoples' walls after common mistakes are made and expect to make friends. My win % shows that I am competent generally, and if you can't let a mistake such as mine go, then I feel very sorry for you.
over 13 years
You're a horrible player. The thread against trolls was a great idea but other than that, I don't think I earned a neg from you because you think I negged you. Which I didnt.
over 13 years
I didnt -k, bitch. Get off my dick.
over 13 years
>Implying wifom is a noob thing to do again.
over 13 years
Your wifom was shit and was a noob move. Just to reaffirm Chickn's thoughts.