
Southeast England
part of  family

I'm leaving for good. Don't miss me too much, or something. I find the community here really petulant, asinine and pernicious, although I don't blame anybody in particular for that. Ciao.

about 13 years
same as below lol, gg I almost believed you (except that I was your cc)
about 13 years
same as below!
deletedabout 13 years
plussed for spectacular maf
about 13 years
why did you clear your bio!?
deletedabout 13 years
If you had READ what I said in the night meeting, I said no, that he was cop, wasn't guising. However, I did accidently click on guise as him instead of no guise. WHICH I said immediately in graveyard. so w/e
deletedabout 13 years
no seriously tell me
deletedover 13 years
really who the heck is orbneko.
deletedover 13 years
Xavier is cool guy, I have not ever not liked xavier, even when he called me a bad player buuuut I will leave this here:

over 13 years
As I said on your wall: Well done, you lose the argument. I previously explained why, regardless of your reasoning, being AFK contributed heavily towards the loss. I equally blame Good, but he is just a poor player. Everyone else admitted that it was an obvious lylo decision; you've failed to refute my points - as I said, you clearly lose and don't deserve to be in silver lobby if you are not going to even make any effort to win games.
deletedover 13 years
I'm at work, I'm allowed to play. You can bitch to lucid about users playing while they're at work but you'll just get lol'd at. ;) sometimes I have to leave for a bit to help, do I know when? No, Day 1, I was perfectly fine, day 2, someone needed me. You're still blaming this loss on me when you couldn't convince the other town that you were legit. I was here the whole time with my other games and there were no issues. You're just mad. I didn't lose the game for you, I wasn't the one who was on the stand, it was you. Your own loss if you couldn't convince them. Like I said, my voted wouldn't have mattered either way. You're looking for excuses, but they're weak. I like how that trophy has gotten to your head. Shame, you used to be reasonable, now you're just a grade-A twat. Good day Xavier, learn to fight your battles. One loss and the round hasn't even started, you're already crying. It's time to get laid kid.
deletedover 13 years
Me being afk from a game does not relate to anything regarding being in silver.
deletedover 13 years
I wasn't here for 9 minutes. You expect me to reread a whole day when there are already votes and a kick within 1 minute? You are blaming me because scum 'took' over town. I am ONE person of two, what were they doing? You're not reading what I'm saying. I.Wasn't.There. Or else I'd have made a more informed decision and probably got the lynch on Never. You are just lashing out, and you know it. Oh, okay, so you're blaming me having to do something out of nowhere is why we lost? Okay, Xavier. Lol, Let's leave it at that just so you see how petty you're really being.
deletedover 13 years
I wasn't here until the last minute. Why are you blaming this loss on me? Even if i voted you it wouldn't have mattered. What don't you get? If you look back at the game, I said I would be BRB, and I got back the last minute. jfc, lol and you're blaming this all on me? Rofl.
deletedover 13 years
You do realize that my vote wouldn't have mattered right? I didn't have hammer at all. I voted so I wouldn't veg, you already had 4 votes against you before I voted, so my vote didn't matter.
over 13 years
I JOINED THEN I SAW THE SET UPS. oh my god the set ups. i played two of them and i think it was out of pure luck i hammered right on 3 way lylo.
over 13 years
damn look at those trophy winners. i joined again, though.
over 13 years
damn! i really felt like you guys were maf but you both were controlling town.. my intuition is pretty good though :) too bad that game had to break
deletedover 13 years
rofl really? who the hell is orbneko
deletedover 13 years
you will never figuer out my main!
over 13 years
i like you too! with or without your shiny trophy.