
part of  family

Sorry Imp but it looks like the only person I can ever trust to win a game is myself, to make up for it I won't change your bio/avy to weeashit

The above was written by stab

about 14 years
Implo! You have to accept the invitation to the remade NGS - I had to remake, because Chess's ghost was still taking up a slot in the family.
about 14 years
Wow, I need to learn to spell 'soon'. What a fail.
about 14 years
Neg and and I'll give you 4k+ on your main and any of your alternate accounts.
about 14 years
about 14 years
I really liked our game together :(. Come back sone, babe.
deletedabout 14 years
imp<3 +k return (:?
about 14 years
my bad, it's just i also say that my laptop runs out of power when i play on a desktop. so i thought you where a lier
deletedabout 14 years
I forgive you for the mishammer >:
deletedabout 14 years
Actually, I was talking about the game before the one you were doc. The one where you were leading and also were bomb. The game afterwards was the doc one lol.
about 14 years
How could you not invite me to your family? i-i
deletedabout 14 years
I'd say you need to work on not softclaiming as bomb, It was super obvious that you were leading.

Also, I still didn't get the town tell on Fading but w/e.
deletedabout 14 years
-K TrollPaolo. He outed mafia partners for no reason. heres his profile.
deletedabout 14 years
+k for great game. If you can, return.
about 14 years
Merry Christmas! :D
about 14 years
+k, happy holidays~
about 14 years
+2k..even though you lynched the watcher, we still won for town :]
about 14 years
I still feel bad:( im glad you're okay with it. If there is an opening then I will offer the spot to you!
about 14 years
I'm really sorry implosion, I didn't want to tell you this but people want to come in the family and you have left EM for a while now. Replacing a member is nothing good :( I'm sorry implosion even though someone will be taking your place you will still be considered a member of the fam! Anyways wendys will be taking your place and I have asked everyone else and they approved of the person taking the place and we all will miss you being the "shy" one in it. You were special because you were there when I made it and even when we make the top charts you will be apart of the it! Please reply on the fam wall!
about 14 years
+k for you. please return <3