
This setup is 100% scumhunting. All town roles are useless or nearly so - they are only different to distinguish them from each other. The cops are also unique and will not counterclaim each other because their reports will be opposite. Also, a tip to the scum - if a cop dies night one, do not claim that cop's sanity (due to the mortician). Jailer is useless because if the town NLs, they waste a mislynch. ############################################################################ Essentially, the stalkers can pick who they stalk and then claim those roles during the day one massclaim. So the scum can choose what people they cc. By doing this, they can also choose the town's clears. On day one, there should be three clears and 3 cc'd roles. If the town lynches correctly, a new clear is created (whoever the stalker was counterclaiming) and one will die in the night. If the town mislynches, one clear will die in the night and the town will have to lynch the confirmed stalker the next day, leading a second clear to die the next night and leaving the town with one clear left. ############################################################################ The setup can be considered like this: there are three counterclaims. If the scum can get mislynches on 2/3 of them, scum wins. If the town correctly lynches 2/3 of them, town wins. So from a completely unbiased statistical standpoint, this setup should be 50/50.
over 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
Townsided :) If it's probability 50/50, with scumhunting added it will become townsided. Make it no reveal IMO.
about 14 years
Sorry, terrible setup. Negged.
about 14 years
Vigoroth is correct.
about 14 years
Vig does have a point, but I think this should be given a shot.
about 14 years
I considered that, but then I considered that bad players will tend to even it out most likely. If good people play it it'd probably be townsided. No reveal would just be cruel :P
deletedabout 14 years
Delete this asap.
about 14 years
I also did choose this when I wasn't sure if I would be on before 11 to pick a different setup. There's a chance that in the next 10 minutes I'd uncomp it and comp riot's or something.
deletedabout 14 years
Don't just uncomp it, delete it. It's going to end up being completly unfair on the mafia. The whole game will revolve on no real scumhunting on each players part as they would just be pushing their cc that day.
about 14 years
As implied before, ask for mass claims on d1 and mafia is screwed.
about 14 years
I think the problem with this setup is the day 1 ml. It should be lylo or atleast mylo d1 to give a chance to mafia. Or you could make it no reveal.
about 14 years
I would advise removing the shrink or a blue from this setup to make it balance out
over 12 years
Err... sorry, but the jailor kind of ruins the stalker thing, as if someone stalks jailor, then they can't claim jailor, as town could easily nl, and jailor could jail his cc and... kill him. I have now noticed that you had the idea for this WAAAAAAAAY before me.. So when I next get on system, I'll include you in the setup description.