uh jokes on you IDIOT. i set that up deliberately for comedic emphasis.. sorry my amazing humour goes over your head
deletedover 7 years
em user dia is a L0SER nerd idiot lsoer. probably smells like an egg. despite this i have a very strong, yet confusing, longing for her to tuck me into bed at night and serenade me with the song Fergalicious. em user dia is an epicmafia user who i have extremely mixed feelings about. some of these feelings include disgust, repulsion, hatred, disgust, and maybe even a tiny bit of lust. in conclusion, em user dia has left a strong impression on me, as well as my family (did i mention she robbed my house as well as homewrecked my parents?). dia is most likely the reason my dad left, but that's okay, it's better without him. thank you for listening!
*drop’s a box of dia tic tacs* aaahhh my dias! theres dias everywhere. *bends over seductively to pick up a dia* *bends over seductively to pick up a dia* *bends over seductively to pick up a dia* *bends over seductively to pick up a dia* *bends over seductively to pick up a dia* *bends over seductively to pick up a dia*