
closet alcoholic
in love with 
part of  family




about 6 years
are u em user nano?
EM user who now
about 6 years
why do my pointfarm setups get neg bombed?
I'm the fun police choo choo
about 6 years
do u think i should be a mod
Ask Muki I'm too scared to answer
about 6 years
How do i appeal my report/ Violations.... i don't understand or know how to do it and looking ut up is not helping... also may be too late... didn't know i had to appeal cause someone commented explaining that i was knew and just was confused not trolling
Sending you a pm about it
about 6 years
How can I get in contact with Lucid? Also why doesn't your page have a user number in the URL?
Answers can only be 225 characters long so I pm'd you


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
10 / 10Scumhunter
20 / 25Explosion!
16 / 20Clint Eastwood

Created Setups

about 10 years
I'm considering poking you ... hmm ...
about 10 years
+k =)
about 10 years
about 10 years
Damn you got me. ‎( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
about 10 years
Chitose is left out again. I have a theory that Nattatatalie has a crush on Chinatsu
about 10 years
Hey, remember when you did that thing where you wrote nice messages on your friends' walls awhile back (oh my god that was two months and 8 days ago!)? Well I'm feeling sentimental for whatever reason so I'm doing the same right now.

I know we don't play or talk as much these days since I started playing more comp, but I hope you know that I will always consider you a close friend. You were one of the first people I connected with on EpicMafia and you're absolutely the reason I'm still around (for better or for worse :p). We've both had our fair share of issues with this site, but in the end just remember you had a positive affect on at least one person's life through your presence here, and I'm fairly sure I'm not the only one. You deserve nothing but happiness, Chinatsu.
about 10 years
Omg chin pls eileen is obviously inferior to me k thx :3 <3 ily
deletedabout 10 years
i'm k-ing you first.
about 10 years
why are u such a cute trap?
about 10 years
<3 <3 <3 lol
about 10 years
no more pokes 4 u den
about 10 years
"Go away leave me alone I don't want to talk to yall"

about 10 years
danganronpa :p
about 10 years
omg How did I miss K+?!?! For being a leaguer and because good karma deserves good karma back
about 10 years
I would #chinside but chin never plays unranked anymore soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ........................................
about 10 years
I totes was just about to write on your wall about how I am going to play more :3 but then I didn't and then you said I don't play anymore ;_;
deletedabout 10 years
+k cuz #Chinside (:
about 10 years
"Honestly the only reason why anyone would visit my profile is because of the music" NOT UH
about 10 years
about 10 years
finally i can +K you