
hi i play rpg and mystery games but now im playing jrpg and chrpg

hi im (x)Yami Suzushii

Im an average guy that uses (waste) his spare time to play games, watch anime and read comics,manga and LN (reading without pictures is boring!)

anyways today im trying to learn chinese and some japanese to play this awesome games with my friend(s). im currently memorizing some chinese characters (with ease) because (im smart) its harder to memorize their ching chong language.

Im using Chineasy and Memrize for now

if anyone knows chinese and japanese please teach me or just talk to me in that language so i can learn faster thanks!

now stahp reading nothing to see here anymoar! unless u want some deadpool awesomeness or talk about stuff

P.S. to the people who helped me in chinese 谢谢 and for the japanese ありがとう


3 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
3 / 20Clint Eastwood
2 / 25Explosion!
2 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 25Eye of the Beholder
deletedover 10 years
over 10 years
thank you so much! i thought u forgot about it since i already forgot i requested :/
over 10 years
Your Crystal Maiden is now on the forums. Sorry about the delay x
deletedover 10 years
+k becouse deadpool :D