
Yeah, I'm still here.
in love with 

"If at first you don't succeed, cheat." - Mayhem.

"The very first things a perfect mod would do is reset matt's karma, delete devilesk's profile page and permanently mute thodges" - KillerQueen

Joined Epicmafia - 6.18.10 (Goodbar)

R.I.P. Wendys, RNB, MonBon, Zidd, and of course, my partner in crime, Bondage <3




about 11 years
Baby I've been losin' sleep dreaming about all the things that we could be<3
Where the fuck have you been? Sleepin'?
anonymousabout 11 years
about 11 years
Why you so sexy?
Why YOU so sexy!
anonymousabout 11 years
8 aga6:
anonymousabout 11 years
Omg that person you're married to is really cool and probably the best player on the site like I'm so jealous just sayin
Bgirl888 is hot stuff, bro


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
10 / 10Scumhunter
10 / 15Knight Devout
10 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
9 / 20He's Batman
almost 14 years
nvm, +k b/c we ended up winning.
almost 14 years
-k for bussing a scumpall unecessarily. I was on that team.
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
+k'd even though you gay nigga <3
almost 14 years
I can't sign onto Zaeed for whatever reason, So I'll be playing on this account for now.
deletedalmost 14 years
I have an interview lined up with super already, and I actually considered interviewing you already. Next weeks issue is already filled as I would like to keep it between 3-4 interviews so I can still fit setup spotlights as well as some more features i will be adding. I would apprieciate the help spreading the word, and I know you are very popular. BUT I do not know stephen, nor am I very familiar with germatron. I do not like the idea of compromising the articles newborn integrity with the word of players the community will not recognize. I would be happy to involve you in the project in the near future, though the other 2 players will have to earn their own. I hope to hear back from you :)
deletedalmost 14 years
All you do is hurt me.
almost 14 years
Negged for playing both sides.
deletedalmost 14 years
I already have you +ked on all 4 of my accounts as of like, 17 minutes ago(chobits is one of them, I accidentally posted plussed on that, heh)
deletedalmost 14 years
nope :P
deletedalmost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
lol, plussed
almost 14 years
Because of +k?! :D
almost 14 years
For being the most successful karma whore and not a douchebag, +k
almost 14 years
+k'd, ima whore, so yeah +k me back
almost 14 years
Hey matt you want this +K? sure you say? cardcrusher.jpg
almost 14 years
Returned the karma, thank you
almost 14 years
<3 to the squishy
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
yo matt ! you dominated vikins YAYAYAYA