
Yeah, I'm still here.
in love with 

"If at first you don't succeed, cheat." - Mayhem.

"The very first things a perfect mod would do is reset matt's karma, delete devilesk's profile page and permanently mute thodges" - KillerQueen

Joined Epicmafia - 6.18.10 (Goodbar)

R.I.P. Wendys, RNB, MonBon, Zidd, and of course, my partner in crime, Bondage <3




anonymousover 8 years
man u r gay stfu
but u had to click to get here tho... answer that BIH
anonymousover 8 years
what does your name mean cuz it sounds gay
Interesting assumption! Well, to be matter of fact, Matt12 was a very complex name to come up with. For example, My name is Matthew, so I abbreviated it to Matt! I also joined Epicmafia at the age of 12. Cool, right? Def!
anonymousover 8 years
im gonna fill your questionlist with questions
sounds fun
over 8 years
but you didnt even tell me your snapchat
ill pm u
over 8 years
man stop stalking me omg
no i love you neon


5 / 25Objection!
4 / 20Clint Eastwood
3 / 10Death Row
2 / 20On the Trail
2 / 25It was Him!
over 13 years
Of course lol =]
over 13 years
over 13 years
un negged and re negged
over 13 years
I already had you +K'd.
over 13 years
karma plus 2 for you plus back :D
deletedover 13 years
unplussed and replussed.
over 13 years
Replussed back =]
over 13 years
re +k for you, you whore.
deletedover 13 years
Thank you!! And returned :)!
over 13 years
Fuck off.
deletedover 13 years
+kd you plz return
over 13 years
replussed you too =)
over 13 years
re karma'd you =P
deletedover 13 years
Congrats on getting your karma back. ;)
over 13 years
another message for ya
over 13 years
I'd like to know all just for the sake of completion, but if you don't want to reveal them publicly you can just send them via PM or other way.
deletedover 13 years
I do indeed have MSN,. but I would rather not post it for the entire world to see. O:
over 13 years
"My policy - Dont nk repeatedly if I dont need to." lol lol lol lol lol
deletedover 13 years
i like yours too!

i used to play slasher on the-n all the time haha. that's how i found em
deletedover 13 years
+k'd like i promised :]