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over 14 years
over 14 years
+k for you. Please return :P
over 14 years
I think she is -k'ing everybody from that game for pointing out her epic failure :P
over 14 years
Thank you man! I hope i reach the 2000 points soon so i can give karma back ; )
over 14 years
+K Return for a gg.
over 14 years
+2k for being cool
over 14 years
+k for fierce win!
over 14 years
Thanks for that I was unsure and was told before lynching hunter in 3 way lylo is a loss.
deletedover 14 years
oh wait nvm, you were the yakked, anyways point still stands, and i afk'd out because i had to go do something, i said votes off for a reason
deletedover 14 years
herpderp, TOWN WAS RETARDED. THE ONLY REASON YOU LYNCH ON MYLO IN THAT SETUP IS TO GET THE YAK, NOT YAKKD, and I didn't save N1, check the game, otherwise there would have been 3 maf at night, rather than just ocean+ whoever the tracker was
deletedover 14 years
tbh I wasn't trying to joint xD I was just doing what fools do best
deletedover 14 years
GJ not giving up and eventually winning the game, despite the trolling. Just a tip: it would have been easier on you if you had disged night 3 (because Lauren had outted you), but the disguise might have been hard to pull off.
over 14 years
thanks man, couldnt have done it without you, +ks all around
over 14 years
Thanks man. +k for you too.
over 14 years
+K for a great mafia win! Good team work
over 14 years
I.O.U +k for knowledge once I get 2000! Don't let me forget! ^_^
deletedover 14 years
haha thx. plus k for almost folling me x)
over 14 years
Thanks man I owe you one. Big time. I also owe you +k when I get to 2000
over 14 years
+k for JP connection and good games
over 14 years
um thanks? i dont remember which game you mean lol. returned