

Im me

But im also blue

Fav 10 Peoples on Epic Mafia!

10.IAMCOP-maybe the SECOND person to add me... Maybe.

9.playpsp-a cool and good player. He always seems to be on, but that is cool :D

8.shinythings- This includes ALL the shiny things lol. shiny things are cool

7.AdrenelineMatt-I LOVE his pic

6.omgshinythings9-I like how he has so many people that copy him lol

5.Lionel99-I dont think he likes me... but i think hes a great player, and I love how he plays :P

4.VickIsAmazing-a cool guy :P always thinks high of me lol

3.Twerty-a super fantastic player... And the first person i ever met on Epic Mafia. He taught me almost everything i know about Epic Mafia.

2.bryannater2/GreenPig-My cousin :) lol and hes a great player. (but not as good as me)

1.calvinc5-He may not be the best at this game, but he's my best friend!

(If you feel that you should be on this list... Dont be afraid to tell me why!)

PS: if you de-karma me give me: 1.a reason for your actions 2. a short story of why you picked me 3. And 5 reasons why i shouldn't do the same to you...

Thankyou for your time

My Epic wins:

49550, I was 1 maf vs 29 villagers. I won.

52590-I was maf and won badly... you should watch it. It was pretty sweet.

52839-maf kills killer, killer kills maf... villagers win D1 lol