
part of  family

Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

Graveyard of my now inactive friends

- Evil - Kevinamlone69 - Romashi *- DiscoSpider - RamZor - Guoman2 - Sawnic - soleil - MiniLife - Cnote0717

If you would like to know anything more about me, shoot me a pm or ask a question. I honestly love to get to know new people, and I will answer just about anything.

Goodbye for now


over 9 years
Why haven't we played together in ages :(
probably because i'm trapped in a glacier somewhere. (lol I've been super busy, i'm still here though :))
over 9 years
I also have that "Syndicate of Evil" thing on the bottom of my page, but I don't know how it got there. Wonder what that's all about...
if you clicked mine, it shows up on yours haha.
over 9 years
Is it bad that I always read "bears" and "beets" on your profile as "beer?"
nope. not at all. in fact, now that you've mentioned that, so do I. LOLOLOLOL
over 9 years
i love your profile music~ I hope youre having a great day bc you are great
<3 THANKS FRIEND! that song is my current obsession. LOVE IT. I'm having a busy busy busy day/week/month, but its good nonetheless! you are pretttttty great too :)
anonymousover 9 years
you are stunningly beautiful. too shy to talk to you as anything other than an anon... but seriously. you are gorgeous.
<3 thank you so much, stranger :) I promise I don't bite, shoot me a message and tell me about yourself!


20 / 20He's Batman
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
12 / 20Do No Harm
7 / 25Explosion!
over 9 years
Welcome to the brotherhood... or the sisterhood... uh... hm. The co-genderhood, of Evil! Indeed. As of yet, there is no hierarchy, agenda, or actual purpose to the group until I setup an independent website that will define such variables. Until then, thank you!
over 9 years
I thought the friend requests were above the friends. False, they are below. Hello friend :)
over 9 years
over 9 years
I hope your studies are going well, we must play again some time soon! It is always refreshing to play a match with you and RamZor.
over 9 years
i love you, dwighttruffle :)
over 9 years
over 9 years
As soon as I possibly can, I shall +K you for being one of the few players who has recognized my play-style for what it is. Thank you for the kind words, I think you are a terrific player.
over 9 years
over 9 years
Allow me to return fire. H is for Honest, honestly amazing. One of a kind, who else could be just like you. O the original, our friendship is pivotal. L is the Laughter that you bring to my Life. Y let me tell you, down right Youthful.
over 9 years
For you, a poem I choose to write,
Not out of hate, duty, promise, or spite.
A poem for you, or a rap maybe.
You are the coolest, we can all clearly see.
You may be behind a screen,
But "A lot" is what you'll mean.
A web friend, true friend, til the end.
Always on my side, I know for who to root.
The answers very clear, the answers Dwight Schrutte. -Drops the mic (or pen if it's a poem)-
deletedover 9 years
kevinmalone69 > dwightschrutte
over 9 years
I regret nothing!!!! :)
over 9 years
Playing with you is the best! :)
over 9 years
I feel like I havent played with you in forever! Where are you!!!
over 9 years
yo yo yo I am good how are you <3
over 9 years
i can't believe i haven't given you one yet... +K
over 9 years
good talk
over 9 years
Hey hey you you you are the best okie bye
almost 10 years
Zwink is not bad. Sawnic is bad for saying that. for shame.