
in love with someone gone
part of  family

My Favorite People that i do not know where they are anymore :-

Skillz, Kruszonka, Jkqr3, dysfunkshunul, GotConverted, noseps, Qwertas, Antidote, D3xTrOm3thOrph4n, Sinek8, SlappinDaBass, Tiarna, Snaxer, misslongstockings, ldevs, Arch, Escurai, Chinatsu, Kaimotoyima, Wanda, AregVrt, rrwhppb, 14nighthawk1, Kawarimi, LolaBug, linker, Huggles, Akloholik, Siggywiggy, Elfen, darkautumn


20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
20 / 20He's Batman
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
21 / 25Explosion!
deletedover 9 years
+k'd to 17! :) ! :) !
almost 10 years
+K because family partner!
about 10 years
+k to 13
about 10 years
+k'd =)
about 10 years
Cuzz i luv u Redi!!
deletedabout 10 years
+k'd to 10
about 10 years
+k to 8 :D
deletedover 10 years
If you're wondering right now: yes he's totally mafia.
over 10 years
yes we need to eradicate sexism pls do the honours
over 10 years
What ? You have another gf ?
over 10 years
hahahahaha i bloody love you
over 10 years
i love u and we need to play together more often because you are pro
deletedover 10 years
+k for nubity and being a slave to pranay c;