
North Carolina
married to 
part of  family

"how dare you divorce my gay penguin lover????" -Shini



deletedalmost 11 years
Why do I have a win and a suicide when I only played one ranked game? And I only just deleted and recreated this account...
That is a darn good question...I am not sure. Server went through some changes and has some bugs still
deletedalmost 11 years Got a 504 Bad Gateway at night 1. The game added it as a suicide. If possible, please remove the suicide. If there's no reply before the next day, I'm deleting and recreating this account. Sorry for my OCD.
We have no way of removing suicides >_< Sorry
almost 11 years
why did u gave me a vio for the most retarded reason. i didnt gamethrow and u know it
Grudgevoting is game throwing. If you have an issue with the verdict, please appeal it.
anonymousalmost 11 years
you have shitty quotes.
Well, thanks for taking the time to read them anyway!
anonymousabout 11 years
You are cool =)
Yay! Thanks!


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
10 / 10I'm Towntelling!
10 / 10Scumhunter

Created Setups

almost 11 years
Exceptional sent a message to beccaecca Game 4 days 4 hours ago
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almost 11 years
It is our turn to win 2 trophies together and abc will watch us
almost 11 years
Becca and Game are dating.
Credits go to abc, petricigy and pranay
almost 11 years
nice avi ;D
almost 11 years
Just look at her children's pictures they are white kids....
almost 11 years
How the buck was I cheating? Are you a dumb buffoon that you cant tell when a fake cop guilties a blue that person will obviously think theyre mafia? Let alone the real cop guiltying the fake cop. I was voting the mafia since he guiltied me as a blue, but thats cheating cause I voted him? Holy hell, youre a fucking retard.
almost 11 years
Hey becca! Whats up?
almost 11 years
I saw this somewhere and I stole it "Excuse me becca but will you touch my shoulder so I can tell all my friends I was touched by an angel?" :D
almost 11 years
I will change it later when we are both online :P Are you busy these days???
almost 11 years
currently proposing marriage to beccaecca Cancel
almost 11 years
Hidden link got you again... I am single penguin :(
almost 11 years
I am copying kyle but that's exactly what I want to say to you <3
almost 11 years
Hey, I dont know if I'm rushing things and this might be a little strange coming from me, but I love you. <3
almost 11 years
Why I never catch you online on skype now :(
almost 11 years
I sent you a ":)" face on July 20 and it is still pending :(
almost 11 years
I moved to Antarctica <3
almost 11 years
Yes I saw blue and yellow eyed penguins!!!
almost 11 years
It doesn't look like the penguins on your avi but still cool.
almost 11 years
I saw real penguins today!
almost 11 years
Sorry maybe I was on my phone and the internet crushed :( I forgot when