
North Carolina
married to 
part of  family

"how dare you divorce my gay penguin lover????" -Shini



deletedalmost 11 years
Why do I have a win and a suicide when I only played one ranked game? And I only just deleted and recreated this account...
That is a darn good question...I am not sure. Server went through some changes and has some bugs still
deletedalmost 11 years Got a 504 Bad Gateway at night 1. The game added it as a suicide. If possible, please remove the suicide. If there's no reply before the next day, I'm deleting and recreating this account. Sorry for my OCD.
We have no way of removing suicides >_< Sorry
almost 11 years
why did u gave me a vio for the most retarded reason. i didnt gamethrow and u know it
Grudgevoting is game throwing. If you have an issue with the verdict, please appeal it.
anonymousalmost 11 years
you have shitty quotes.
Well, thanks for taking the time to read them anyway!
anonymousabout 11 years
You are cool =)
Yay! Thanks!


1 / 30Not On My Watch!
1 / 15Knight Devout

Created Setups

over 11 years
You lynched the bomb and investigated the orc, you really shouldn't be making excuses for your play.
over 11 years
No you idiot. You don't get to make excuses after lynching the bomb.
over 11 years
You investigated me despite the fact that I spent all of d1 trying to kill mafia over the bomb. Next time pick someone that was voting the bomb/pr to investigate instead of the one townie trying to win.
over 11 years
<333 so glad our love can be known in the EM world now
deletedover 11 years
over 11 years
+k back for epic jail time
deletedover 11 years
it's good, it's sort of... not really linear? but it's beautifully written and i haven't had much time to read this week but what i have gotten through, i really love.
deletedover 11 years
well, i'm not sure if things i'm currently on count? but i'm reading the book of disquiet right now and i like it very much so far.
deletedover 11 years
did you enjoy it? i have a copy but i've never finished it. ._.
over 11 years
got you back
over 11 years
+k :)
over 11 years
Plussed :D
deletedover 11 years
i don't even know how i didn't have you plussed here
deletedover 11 years
in another life i would have been a gunslinger
over 11 years
75 to 76 <3
deletedover 11 years
would i ever? WOULD I EVER?
deletedover 11 years
answer: trick question. i am not at all.
deletedover 11 years
deletedover 11 years