didn't kick on a caught 3 way lylo as maf when a townie was afk. If that doesn't deserve a +k, I don't know what does.
deletedalmost 15 years
so you're saying if I spec a game where someone trolls non-stop I shouldn't neg them? the principle is the same - you ruined the game by favoring your friend, so a neg is justified.
deletedalmost 15 years
I specced the game - that's all I needed to see.
deletedalmost 15 years
but I lost! lol. thanks!
deletedalmost 15 years
+K because I LOVE YOU BECCSTER :D We pwn
deletedalmost 15 years
Lol thnx...but yeah, I'll definitely chill from now on :D I look forward to playing you again!
deletedalmost 15 years
Yeah sometimes I get a bit too into the game...I have to work on that. I also need to learn how to guise you better :D
deletedalmost 15 years
kk, sorry about that. I was just annoyed that shawnpat wouldn't vote you because you were friends and i highly FoSed you because I felt the Burger guy had a better soft claim