
North Carolina
married to 
part of  family

"how dare you divorce my gay penguin lover????" -Shini



deletedalmost 11 years
Why do I have a win and a suicide when I only played one ranked game? And I only just deleted and recreated this account...
That is a darn good question...I am not sure. Server went through some changes and has some bugs still
deletedalmost 11 years Got a 504 Bad Gateway at night 1. The game added it as a suicide. If possible, please remove the suicide. If there's no reply before the next day, I'm deleting and recreating this account. Sorry for my OCD.
We have no way of removing suicides >_< Sorry
about 11 years
why did u gave me a vio for the most retarded reason. i didnt gamethrow and u know it
Grudgevoting is game throwing. If you have an issue with the verdict, please appeal it.
anonymousabout 11 years
you have shitty quotes.
Well, thanks for taking the time to read them anyway!
anonymousabout 11 years
You are cool =)
Yay! Thanks!


2 / 20Eyewitness
1 / 30Oxyclean
1 / 20Lucky Kiss!
1 / 30Not On My Watch!
1 / 15Knight Devout

Created Setups

over 11 years
Thats a good joke, even with my vote on shini there were still enough votes for you town to lynch other people. Also no, lynching virgin for more reports? Reports for what? We had the teams already reports are useless by then. All it does is wasting our virgin. Potential clear and so what? It was his first game in competetive thats like letting a baby drive a car because he found a drivers license just then. There is no use talking to potential because he wont get it anyway. But nvm.. didnt mind losing that one anyway because of shinigami.
over 11 years
Tell me why the fuck you would lynch the only clear town we have instead of between the tracker/sleepwalker ccs?
You tell me why you would lynch the ONLY CLEAR TOWN WHO IS NEEDED TO HELP TOWN. Virigin dying only means the same situation a day later only with one town LESS. The teams were set. Nothing to track. Nothing to discuss. Only between the lynches. Pay attention next time please.
Lynching virgin was the single most stupid thing one could suggest.
deletedover 11 years
over 11 years
just realized you're in the fam now! welcome!!
over 11 years
thanks ;D
deletedover 11 years
Thanks!!! And yes, it's toadette.
over 11 years
went to tell you happy one month and and and...... why????????
deletedover 11 years
Happy Valentine's Day, beccaecca!!!!!
over 11 years
I only go on the Rawr accs if I need to karma bomb someone or a setup lmao
deletedover 11 years
over 11 years
over 11 years
Sorry, darlin'! <3
over 11 years
im not even a hooker t.t
deletedover 11 years
omg me too <333333
deletedover 11 years
damn it, you got me. :(
deletedover 11 years
a penguin at a tea party? the strangest thing i've ever heard!
deletedover 11 years
Thanks! LOL it was a long hard fight but I finally pulled it off! :p congrats to both of us! ^.^
over 11 years
Thanks!I'm actually trying this game :)
over 11 years
thanks :)
deletedover 11 years
happy belated national penguin day >:D