
North Carolina
married to 
part of  family

"how dare you divorce my gay penguin lover????" -Shini



deletedalmost 11 years
Why do I have a win and a suicide when I only played one ranked game? And I only just deleted and recreated this account...
That is a darn good question...I am not sure. Server went through some changes and has some bugs still
deletedalmost 11 years Got a 504 Bad Gateway at night 1. The game added it as a suicide. If possible, please remove the suicide. If there's no reply before the next day, I'm deleting and recreating this account. Sorry for my OCD.
We have no way of removing suicides >_< Sorry
almost 11 years
why did u gave me a vio for the most retarded reason. i didnt gamethrow and u know it
Grudgevoting is game throwing. If you have an issue with the verdict, please appeal it.
anonymousalmost 11 years
you have shitty quotes.
Well, thanks for taking the time to read them anyway!
anonymousabout 11 years
You are cool =)
Yay! Thanks!


6 / 15New Sheriff in Town
3 / 20He's Batman
3 / 10I'm Batman.
3 / 10Gotcha!
2 / 20Eyewitness

Created Setups

deletedalmost 14 years
Lol im going to send you a game becca, I said in my pro that i dont throw games, but i only dont kill friends n1 and Ive never killed you nor have i thrown a game. ill send you the link, read it and see how retarded shawn is
deletedalmost 14 years
ergasmi is a dumb bitch and is not our real friend dont ever talk to her again
almost 14 years
+k because you're on my friends list
almost 14 years
+k because I want to see how much karma I can get doing this!
deletedalmost 14 years
plussed for nice
almost 14 years
good skills +K
deletedalmost 14 years
enjoy your +k :d
deletedalmost 14 years
i havnt seen you in forever!
almost 14 years
<33333 back, also i lol'd at your profile so here are some extra ones: <33333
almost 14 years
Haha, that was fun. I always enjoy getting the better players lynched over just lynching some nub to win :)
almost 14 years
+k for being nice and giving me a penguin
deletedalmost 14 years
Thank you so much, Becca!! <3
deletedabout 14 years
+K for being so nice and willing to help out in games. ;)
deletedabout 14 years
+k for u
about 14 years
Oh yay! I followed you back <3 (and +k. Can't believe I hadn't already...)
about 14 years
about 14 years
i enjoy to copycat :p it helps prove my inocence.
deletedabout 14 years
+k for being awesomeee
about 14 years
Sowwy for voting you honey
about 14 years
Well played, especially the quick claim switch. I flip-flopped between you and lianble a few times but finally decided to go with my initial feeling, which ended up being wrong haha.