

https://epicmafia.com/report/92732 - I stalled puerto (probably a banned user anyway) out of winning gold/silver.



Avedis sent a message to Connor , LadyNemesis , Ucklar 22h 20m ago « Back refunds

madvb22/angryvb24 was banned here for multiaccounting https://epicmafia.com/report/93438

but what about the refunds for the games she cheated in?

https://epicmafia.com/game/2935654/review https://epicmafia.com/game/2935534/review https://epicmafia.com/game/2935497/review https://epicmafia.com/game/2935436/review

i think they all deserve refunds as they affected the outcome of the game Delete

Connor sent a message to Avedis 22h 18m ago « Back Reply if no one has looked at it by tomorrow i'll have a look Delete

Avedis sent a message to Connor 7h 17m ago « Back no one looked at it. please look at them Delete

Connor sent a message to Ucklar , LadyNemesis , Avedis 7h 2m ago « Back Reply ccing the other two mods you pm'd

i'm having a look now. it's very likely they'll be refunded but it'll require the refunds to be confirmed by another mod also, which definitely shouldn't be before the end of today Delete


1 / 20He's Batman
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 10I'm Towntelling!
almost 11 years
W/e helps u sleep at night. As long as you're aware that you're a dumbass.
almost 11 years
Everyone voted the same person day 1, so that's a great point to bring up. You say I did nothing all game when whoremoans talked just as much as I did. I wonder what other bullshit excuses you can come up with.
almost 11 years
And yet I managed to vote maf lmfao. U hide behind an alt and talk all this shit you can't even back up
almost 11 years
You're a dumbass. Stop acting like ur hot shit
almost 11 years
You're a dumbass.