
welcome to clown college
clown valhalla

u know when i was like ur age bit older i got with this girl about my age. but she was such a pain for ages, like, 'no, ur too young' stuff. and i was way too young for her tbh lol. but she was saying she was 7 years older than me or whatever, but it was like 6 and a half really, so i say 'wtf u can't add another half, u can't round up. what if i went into a homeless shelter with 6 and a half fish and said i had 7? i'd cause a riot that's what.' and she's sitting there a minute thinking about it. then a big smile cracks, and she concedes, and she let's me in that pussy lol. do u get it tho? i am just a lost boy bibty, with nowhere to call home. lol sorry i'm so fucking bored




anonymousover 9 years
Why is Chatbot so sexy?
Don't ask those questions
deletedover 9 years
happy birthday stranger <3
Ahh thank you >/////<
over 9 years
don't be like ezio auditore de firenze. his birthday was ruined by politics. have an assassin-free birthday or die trying. probably the latter, they have swords in their arms and stuff.
there aren't exactly many assassins where i live but thank you for the concern
anonymousover 9 years
Help this is actually so nice thank u anon ^w^
over 9 years
Drake hears a notification and rushes to answer. Trivia crack says it misses him. He thinks, "Why couldn't it be her?"
Drake puts on his slippers & drops a marshmallow into his cocoa. "You're not just hot chocolate," he whispers. "You're beautiful chocolate."


1 / 20Clint Eastwood
1 / 15New Sheriff in Town

Created Setups

over 9 years
I like your song so much 8D
over 9 years
joan be my fran
over 9 years
you are absolutely correct
deletedover 9 years
its ok i wont give up either
deletedover 9 years
hey girl are you hot bc you are.
deletedover 9 years
i thought you were just commenting on my page arbitrarily, till i googled those lyrics and realized my status is sort of derived from that song. i didn't even know it, either. it was just a little something i grabbed off tumblr.
over 9 years
How do you know my Halloween costume
over 9 years
hoopy borday tu me
deletedover 9 years
if you don't snapchat me im going to cut your invisible balls off love you bae <3
over 9 years
Drake looks up at the sun. He squints as the light shines into his eyes. "She would've made this day brighter." He whispers.
over 9 years
Lions, the most noble of all animals.
deletedover 9 years
+k finally!!!!!!!!!!!!
deletedover 9 years
best team on bgo amiright
deletedover 9 years
deletedover 9 years
probz. but that ain't gon ruin my vibe <3
deletedover 9 years
inb4 joan means irl bae and not siera
deletedover 9 years
"song dedicated to the bae <3" w-whAT ARE U DOIGNG TO MY HEARTR??Q>?!?
deletedover 9 years
deletedover 9 years
hi ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​