WhichDoctor asks Is it weird if I thought your avatar had always been kirby or something like that?6mon lol it has always and will forever be grapples6mon
Dearest Pap, I love ya and i miss you so much<///3 When will my favzies return:[ I have to have JohnReid as temporary fave DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TORTURE THAT IS??? Anyways i want you to come back like yesterday:[ WHO WILL SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT GRAPPLES???? poor grapples are feeling lonesone without any love:[[[[ anyways come back pap or i will go to your house and demand you get on em with a knife to your throat >:x lolz jk but please come back i dont wanna have to resort to going to jail plweaseeeeeee)))): anyways much love krustal<3