
I'm tired :(
over there >>>

im such a N00B (yes still)

guise test me about random crap!!!!!!

BluKrystalTears is mah mommy :O dont you dare touch her or imma beat you up!!! Wikkiden is mah secret crush (shh dont tell) and i lust for bubbles!!!! ^^ <3

yayyyy here;s a list of my SUPER sucessful rls

here i whisped cop a person i knew was mafia :D then led auto win for town~~

this one not so much but sorta still

march 12 2011 : realized i only have 13k points, need to play more

Sunday march 20 2011: broke 15k points

wednesday august 8 2012 broke 20k points

next goal is 25k points (lol)

thursday august9 2012 was reported for not talking enough day 1 and not leaving the game when my internet was disconnected


7 / 20Super Sleuth!
4 / 10Scumhunter
3 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 25Explosion!
1 / 10Gotcha!
deletedabout 12 years
21 months 16 days
Already had you replussed cause you are one of my fav EMers ♥
over 12 years
Accept mah marraige proposal! <3
over 12 years
I guess so :D
deletedover 12 years
Why are you so amazing?
over 12 years
....I remember your name..... but can't exactly remember who you are o.O
over 12 years
xD Thanks Jesse.
over 12 years
No, but he's your secret crush, which means you can be cheating on him. epicmafia drama
over 12 years
Jessekun! You cheating on me with Wikkiden eh? That's ok, we can be polygamists!
over 12 years
Mah Lover <3
over 12 years
If you ever want an invite to my family let me know. We would be happy to have you!
over 12 years
+K for joining the family.
over 12 years
Thanks for the +k =)
deletedover 12 years
i'm on my way, darling ~
deletedover 12 years
ugh ily and i'm sorry. where is our honeymoon going to be?
deletedover 13 years
You are one of my fav :( Miss you
almost 14 years
lol i am in HS
deletedalmost 14 years
+k plz return
deletedalmost 14 years
Negged some more for accusing me of having a million alts
deletedalmost 14 years
Negged some more for yelling at me when you didnt retract your cop cc after you saw a guilty on guiser
deletedalmost 14 years
Negged for being a whiny bitch whos retarded in thinking guiser is worth lawyering and not stalker, and you CCING COP WHEN COP ALREADY HAD A GUILTY.