
Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.
Lost and found
in love with 
part of  family




anonymousover 9 years
mfw colin trevorrow directed jurassic world not christopher nolan
I know who you are!
over 9 years
Do you miss me?
I did miss you- I don't anymore because you're finally here :D
deletedover 9 years
http://tinyurl.com/n3hyp36 officially a nick jonas fan.
Good eye!
anonymousover 9 years
do you play curvefever
Alas, I do not lol never heard of it til you asked LOL
anonymousover 9 years
who's that guy in your profile?
The ever so handsome and amazing Tom Hardy


20 / 20Clint Eastwood
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20He's Batman
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
deletedabout 8 years
AHHHH it's so sad that you're leaving

i haven't known you for too long but im definitely gonna miss you, you'll always be my favorite lobby owner and my best f2 <3

also have a good life, i hope your writing and whatever else you aspire to do goes well
about 8 years
we n words ok?
deletedabout 8 years
aww cjn you're leaving? it's been fun finding out at the end of games you've been there the whole time. wish we could have actually worked together more in games good luck in life dude :)
about 8 years
goodnight, sweet prince. survivor lobby is a better place because of you
about 8 years
I have a really great impression of you as the owner of survivor lobby. Even though I haven't actually managed to play a game with you, I have played in a few games where you've hosted and I really enjoyed it. Wish you best of luck :) :) :)
about 8 years
:/ I had a lot of fun with you! great mentor! and great music taste! you will be missed!
about 8 years
I'm sorry you're leaving after all this time we had together I'll always remember you cya!
about 8 years
sad to see you go before i ever really got to know you all that well, had a lot of fun in embb with you though, good luck I whatever you decide to do from here and goodbye!
about 8 years
ayyylmao, make me owner
about 8 years
It's sad to see you go, with all these comments it's easy to tell how much people have cared for you. I really enjoyed being allied with you in highspaces game, goodluck in your future endeavors!
about 8 years
I've heard that you have to go, what a shame! Please PM me your replacement and I'll forward it to lucid within 24 hours.
about 8 years
It was fun playing with you for all these years. You were a great guy and I hope we can keep in touch when I go away to college. You're a real nice guy who never argued with anyone. Thanks for not getting mad at me when I trolled all the time and thanks for everything you did for survivor lobby. You are one of the few people who kept it alive. I'll miss you!
about 8 years
:( sad to see you go. at least we are added on skype. my fav memory was my first BB game and you were in it
about 8 years
I'll miss ya, enjoy the world out there. Thanks for a great couple years of Internet shenanigans.
about 8 years
Hey cjn104, I wish you best of luck with whatever you do. You helped Survivor Lobby so much by growing it and improving it. You are a role model to many. We had a lot of fun together in games and winning trophies together! I will really miss you! It's sad to see you go! Thanks for everything!
about 8 years
sad to see you go it's been real dude
about 8 years
So sad to see you go Chris!! You're a great guy who will accomplish many things in life!! Come back and visit!
about 8 years
Honestly, you were one of the first people that I've met on this site and you're the reason that I stayed in the Survivor Lobby. Really sad to hear that you're leaving, message me on skype if you ever do return :)
about 8 years
It was so nice getting to know you thank you for everything! I hope you weren't leaving :(

Gonna miss ya for sure, one of the best persons on epicmafia :(
about 8 years
Christopher, we are all indebted for your excellent admin-ship of the Survivor Lobby. You've had the title for a while, and all good things must come to and end. Good luck to you and your future endeavors. You will definitely be missed.