
i swear im 12

i dont kno how to play this


anonymousalmost 10 years
lets snapchat cuz i hav a crush on u
xo i dont give out my snapchat xo
anonymousover 10 years
youre cute af
thnx b00
anonymousover 10 years
do you know the gamer on the left or is he just a crush. I love me some MLG players
yes, it's hyrqbot. he's a qt3.14
almost 11 years
hi why are you so pretty
omg dis is my 1st question. how do i reply. i luv u


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 25Eye of the Beholder
1 / 25Objection!
1 / 10Scumhunter
deletedover 13 years
btw I know your alt. GG=get good
over 13 years
i stole all ur furni
deletedover 13 years
Not usually... the only time he really barks is when people show up @ my house, and that's only until they come inside and he gets to sniff them =D He is an angel! lol You should see how this dog snuggles... its ridonc... here lol i have a pic of us snuggling this is right before I got his haircut he looks pretty mangy if I don't cut his hair.. He's got the long maltese hair. <3
over 13 years
gg +k and all.
deletedover 13 years
deletedover 13 years
maltese pomeranian. And no he's not a teacup although he is the size of one lol <3 my angel.
deletedover 13 years
meet me in da back w the jukebox
deletedover 13 years
calviiiiin is half malteseeee =D
deletedover 13 years
I shall plus k back when I get the points that are required. But until then I shall listen to Guernica!
deletedover 13 years
I like your name.
deletedover 13 years
jus like calvin some dogs r non allergenic ;D

I was with someone when I got calvin and he didn't wnat me to do but i did it anyway CUZ IM BAD ASS LIKE THAT and cuz - dogs are awesome! lol
Well if I don't get to play with u on this account I hope i secretly get to troll u while ur on ur alt ;) heh ♥ xox
deletedover 13 years I miss you too pretty girl.

I noticed you post a picture in the pic thread before n iwas like wow that girl looks alot like chill - then i realized it was yooooouuuu and i jumped for joy!!! haha <3

I can't drink I'm on these pain killers for falling down my stairs - I would really really love too though :( I think the thought of knowing you can't makes you want to do something so much more lol. Hopefully we can play a game or two together soon dollface xoxoxo
deletedover 13 years
♥ hows it going?
over 13 years
over 13 years
ooOomGGg liikKEeee MoollLyyy Is The KEWLEST PERSON EVARRR!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD
over 13 years
+k Happy New Year! Please return :) Danke!
deletedover 13 years
+k, please return?
deletedover 13 years
np bro ;D
deletedover 13 years
plussed for getting undeserved negs
deletedover 13 years
LOL kay. Like I said, I've been here way longer than you have, so it's okay. You're cute when you play. You have no reason to even say I suck at EM - I was a cop, I got a guilty, lynched them, and then lead on you, who was mafia. That makes me sucky how? You're the one who suicides when caught. WAAAAH WAAAAAH