After reading this, I guarantee you will feel sorry for me. Imagine this. You are attracted to men, like you are now, but they do not exist. They existed a long time ago, and no one knows what they looked like (They have a pretty good idea from fossils), but they do not exist anymore. Not only do you know there will never be any possibility of you having sex with one, but there's not even a possibility of seeing one in real life. You will never find any po/rn anywhere, only non-sexual pictures of men. Everyone you have told about your attraction to men think it's disgusting. To relieve yourself, you get off on the non-sexual pictures of men, knowing it will never get better. That's what life is like to me. I am a degree 6 Zoosexual, sexually and emotionally attracted to Tyrannosaurs. Men don't even do it for me. I am cursed to live my life in the misery that my most powerful emotional fantasywill never be even close to coming true. Life is like hell to me. I will never know true love.
On the underside of your refrigerator there is a switch. Reach under there and feel for it. Don't mind the dust clumps and the roaches. You'll know it when you feel it, it's a hard metal tab sticking out of a slot in the plastic underside. I will be set on the righthand side (when you're facing the fridge). If you switch it to the left, nothing will happen. Your appliances will continue to run, the floor won't open into a swirling vortex that leads directly into the deepest circle of hell. You won't even hear a hitch in the hum of the refrigerator. You will get up and brush off and go about your business, you may move out of your apartment and leave the refrigerator behind, switch set to the left like it doesn't even matter.
When you die, five years later, the fingers, toes, and eyes of an unidentified person will be found in your stomach.
I am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
hewwo? Open up, it's da powwice! :3c We have weason to beweave iwweagal actions awe being pewfowmed on dese pwemises! Come out wif yous paws up~! nyaa! This causes me physicaw pain to say officew :3 Pain just like you'we gonna make my wittwe taiwhowe feew ;3 takes handcuffies out On da gwound nao!~ punish me, mistew~ I've been a naughty foxxy ;3 you've been vewwy naughty!~ yous gonna spend a few nights in da big house! ;3 bettew hope the horsies thewe awe gentle~ throwies you in the powwice cwuiser oh yes pwease~