
rainbow master race
married to 
part of  family

Chicks dig my hair and teeth.

I give karma to protective roles that successfully save me from mafia n1.

If I FoS you and town has a mislynch and your response is some variation of "well then lynch me I'm just a blue", I will always push on you until you are dead.

I don't indefinitely NK as mafia unless I have no other choice.

Guise test: Ask me what my username is.


12 / 20Super Sleuth!
8 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
5 / 20Do No Harm
3 / 10Scumhunter
3 / 25Objection!

Created Setups

over 14 years
I already +k'd you here, so negged then +k'd back
over 14 years

I shoot you all day erryday.
over 14 years
Hey, check the table again. I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO VOTED NO LYNCH. Fix what you wrote on the lobby board and get your facts straight.
over 14 years
look closely. I was mafia, I did my job.
" I got lynched d1 as cop for telling people to NL. Neg ALL of these people please. "
over 14 years
+k please return :3
over 14 years
+k for being the only good player, return appreciated but not required.
deletedover 14 years
I made the same mistake I always make, I got the maf right with my first fos but then I second guessed and got maf wrong >________________<

sorry for fosing you as town.
deletedover 14 years
+karma'd, stay classy mr. president D'=
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
You need to get shot in a gunsmith game by a user named LeeHarveyOswald, for pure epicness.
over 14 years
+K for Silversun Pickups
over 14 years
Don't know why I had you negged. I was probably being a bitch. Let's play some time?
deletedover 14 years
No problem! I really thought you were mafia though, so initially I thought you played well. Well, everyone overthinks sometimes! You are a great player regardless. Karma returned.
over 14 years
+k bro
over 14 years
deletedover 14 years
+k! Please Return!
over 14 years
(btw... silversuns are freakin awesome!)
over 14 years
england.... i'm british. Originally north of london!
You gave me a hard fight in that game!! I came out good tho :)
over 14 years
+K love that you're from bellevue!!
over 14 years
Prosecutor is just butthurt that he wasn't convincing. OR I MEAN. YOURE WELCOME FOR ME THROWING THAT GAME FOR YOU.