I didn't accuse you of cheating. If they are cheating, then that sucks. But from what I can tell, they're just playing in game together. Maybe helping each other out, maybe to more of a degree than should be allowed, but it didn't look intentional, and it seems very similar to what you do, if only to a greater degree. I don't think either you or Megs is cheating. Meg's alt is at 47 ppg
deletedover 14 years
Hey, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. And you aren't really being a hypocrite - my point is just that I don't think anything they are doing is intentional. I think it's just a product of always playing games with friends, which has consequences, even when they aren't intended.
deletedover 14 years
add me on msn. [email protected] i'm gonna make a google doc for all this stuff.
It was Jepstein30 who claimed to be a mod. Game is here if you are interersted but first of all know that these games are not seriously done and there is swearing if that offends you.
We need to play together more often, and in a game with all Pro players. Its now more a game of tricking n00bs that really elaborate lies.. I want something tough! ^-^